The directors are committed to ensuring that Mahube is appropriately governed in accordance with high standards and sound practices of governance. These are based on principles of accountability, transparency, integrity and ethical management.
The directors are elected by shareholders. Individually and collectively, the Directors are accountable for the performance of Mahube. They ensure that Mahube is appropriately structured for its operating environment, to be able to generate value sustainably for the benefit of its stakeholders. While its primary focus is to play a key role in determining the company’s strategic direction, the Board is also responsible for providing continuous oversight of material matters and holding executive directors accountable for managing the affairs of the company. To drive results, the Board has adopted a governance framework and aligned practices that collectively contribute to value creation
Key focus areas of the Board:
- Approving the strategic direction of the Company and the budgets necessary for the implementation thereof;
- Determining and setting the tone of Mahube’s values;
- Acting in the best interests of the Company (including managing conflicts and dealing in securities);
- Being responsible for IT governance;
- Appointing and evaluating the performance of the CEO;
- Retaining full and effective control of the company;
- Monitoring key risk areas;
- Communicating with shareholders openly and timeously throughout the year;
- Ensuring all shareholders are treated equitably and equally;
- Monitoring compliance with all relevant laws, rules, codes and standards of business practice through a compliance framework; and
- Monitoring performance through the various Board committees established to assist in the discharge of its duties, while retaining full accountability and without abdicating its own responsibilities.