Marion, an admitted attorney, has served as divisional company secretary and group legal advisor of the Omnia Group and served on the Board of Omnia Fertilizer Proprietary Limited. She was appointed as group company secretary, of the then JSE listed, AFGRI Limited in 2012, where she spearheaded the establishment of the AFGRI Social & Ethics Committee.
In 2014 Marion was appointed as managing director of Harvest Time Investments, which trains, develops and mentors new era farmers and in 2017 she was appointed as managing director of Lemang Agricultural Services, an entity focussed on supporting large black farmers to become full-scale commercial farmers. In this role, she successfully fostered collaborations between AFGRI, Kagiso Trust and British American Tobacco South Africa (BATSA), respectively, leading to innovative solutions to finance and support new-era farmers.
She is a previous executive director and non-executive director of AFGRI Agri Services and is a seasoned ESG, Development and Transformation expert who currently provides these services to clients, including John Deere Sub Saharan Africa, where she also serves as a non-executive director and chairs their Social & Ethics Committee. Marion is a non-executive director and chair of the Social & Ethics Committee of Limpopo Tobacco Processors Proprietary Limited.
Marion represents the Agricultural Business Chamber on the Gauteng Agri BEE Sector Charter Structure and serves on the Market Access Committee. She was named a finalist for the Standard Bank 2016 Top Business Women of the year award and is a fellow of the South African Institute of Intellectual Property Law.